Town of Bakersville
February 17, 2020
On February 3, 2015, Foundation Forward, Inc. made a presentation to the Mitchell County Board of Commissioners. The Board took the matter into consideration and voted to accept the Mitchell County Charters of Freedom setting on November 7, 2016. The three-part setting would consist of The Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.
On April 29, 2017, the official Letter of Intent was signed by our Founder, Vance Patterson and Mitchell County Manager, Kathy Young. It was confirmed that the site for the setting would be adjacent to the County Administration Building located at 26 Crimson Laurel Circle in Bakersville. This location was selected by the county for its central location in the county, high visibility and foot traffic, and easy access by school children and citizens.
Former County Manager, Chuck Vines, was established as “Champion” to act as the main point of contact between the county and Foundation Forward, Inc. A fundraising campaign began, and contractors were approached to get involved with the project. The funds raised, along with donations of labor and materials, help to offset the costs associated with the construction of this setting, which helps to “pay it forward” and help to install settings in additional counties throughout the United States.
COUNTY TO RECEIVE LIFE-SIZE REPLICAS OF NATION’S FOUNDING DOCUMENTS BAKERSVILLE – The Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution and Bill of Rights are coming to Mitchell County thanks to the efforts of the Mitchell County Board of Commissioners and Ba
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